Kingston Interval House Opportunities
Make A Difference with Kingston Interval House
Through the commitment, passion and work of our volunteers we are able to provide a wide range of services and programs. Volunteers are critical to the work we do and act as advocates for all women who experience violence. We offer our volunteers various opportunities within our organization.
Due to the vulnerable nature of our residents and the demands of an emergency shelter living environment and second stage housing, we require our volunteers to be 18 years of age, female, and have a recent (within 3 months) CPIC available. If you would like to explore with us our volunteer opportunities please fill out our form below and we will contact you for a personal interview.
**Please note that we are not taking any new volunteer applications until the new year. **
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Application Fillable Form
If you have any questions about the process of becoming a volunteer or the application, please reach out.
For more information please contact Leigh Martins.
More volunteer opportunities to come!